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Navigating AI Implementation: DIY or Consult the Experts?

November 27, 2023

November 27, 2023

If you've ever tuned into This Old House, the PBS show that walks you through the ins and outs of home improvement, you'll know the comfort of having Kevin O'Connor, Tom Silva, Norm Abram, and the crew guide you through a kitchen renovation step-by-step, with expert advice dropped in along the way. 

While each episode is generally very helpful – and the antics amusing – sometimes the model you choose to install in your kitchen doesn’t exactly match the one they show in the episode and a creative solution is needed to finish the job. Without Tom and the team there to help, you’ll likely resort to potentially some additional research, maybe your own creative solution, or you’ll get stuck and need to outsource anyway. 

Just as in home improvement, there are so many great tools out there to help guide you on how to implement an AI solution well - including our Agile for AI Guide (here) or our General AI Implementation Guide (here). In some cases, AI can even help write the code needed to implement itself into your environment! Using these resources works great for simple solutions AND when you have a strong engineering team that’s able to think through the full implementation process end-to-end. 

But for more fragile implementations of AI into an ecosystem, the difference could be as glaring as having your least technologically savvy cousin do the wiring for your house, versus hiring a well-rated electrician. 

One is going to end in a house fire, and the other will turn on the light you expected. 

AI is a dynamic and evolving landscape, with changing regulations, ethical considerations, and shifting technologies. Navigating this terrain without the right expertise is akin to venturing into unknown territory. Having a knowledgeable consultant can make a significant difference, offering guidance that withstands the changes in the AI landscape.

Still not convinced hiring outside help is a good idea? Consider this then - no matter the complexity of the AI solution you’re implementing, a critical piece that will always be missing from a do-it-yourself job is a range of diverse perspectives. People who have experience implementing solutions often have seen many different ideas for how something could be done, or how to approach a particular challenge. When operating internally, even with a diverse team, you may be missing some additional key perspectives that could result in a more optimal application. 

Hiring consultants with outside experience implementing AI solutions who have done this for a variety of different companies and industries can be helpful. Not to mention, many consulting AI implementation firms have a diverse range of well-grounded experts in things like machine learning operations or data science, for example. 

But just like you wouldn’t let any old contractor into your home, the same can be true for AI implementation consultants. 

At Synergise AI, we offer custom solutions led by experts with experience working in AI at companies like Microsoft, Facebook, American Express, Uber, and more. Not to toot our own horn too much, but hiring Synergise is like having the cast of This Old House improve and renovate your home. With us, you get a custom solution for your unique business needs, and our AI experts work alongside you and for you – offering best practices along the way – for high-quality, tested results. 

If you’re interested in hearing more - we’d love to chat! Fill out this form and we’ll grab some time to chat about your unique needs here

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